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As mentioned previously comments kinda got messed up here. Some were from my sofware apps blog. Unfortunately the way Disqus works it couldn’t be fixed. So I’ve dropped comments at least for the time being. Use the Contact Form instead. There actually were not a lot of comments and seems more used the form.

I’ll try to add more articles from now on. I’ve been trying Google’s Flutter to compare it with Xamarin which I’ve been using for awhile. Flutter seems to need a lot more memory than Xamarin. However I’ve also been trying to get the latest Maui, which replaces Xamarin, to work. Months ago version 2 worked but the new version 9 has problems. Maui release has also been pushed out 6 months.

The nice thing about Xamarin is that one can do everything from a PC with iOS compiled remotely on a Mac. Currently Flutter does not do that and I’m not fond of moving source around to build. That seems to miss the point of cross development.